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About Mark from St Andrews Stone Carving

Based in Guardbridge Avalon Business Park, Mark will guide you through the difficult process of installing a headstone for your loved one.  From initial headstone selection through the design and inscription layout, liaising with the council and cemetery to ensure the process is as easy as possible for you and the whole family. 


With Marks expertise in sculpture and carving, he can also guide you through the process of personalising your headstone to make it as unique as your loved one was.  Mark regularly carves designs into headstones at the request of families adding unique and personal touches. 


Mark recently carved an image of one families Labrador onto a headstone for the father who had passed away.  Other headstone additional carvings he has done include golf clubs, kingfishers, specific flowers requested by the family.  He also regularly adds photo plaques to headstones which is a unique and touching way to remember a loved one and is a popular choice for families.

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